We decided to kick off an “ask me anything” for Julia to answer your questions about being the wife of a man who wears skirts.
In this article, Julia discusses her thoughts about why women often compliment her beskirted husband while men tend to ignore him.
This post explores some of the questions that arise for men who like to wear skirts and have young sons in the country.
In the article, Julia discusses what it is about men wearing skirts and heels that can lead to problems in their relationships with their significant others and families.
Many men wear skirts, dresses, heels and the like only when they are home alone. They don’t even want their partners to know or see them. Much less take a walk in public dressed in this way. Here is how I see it, as the partner of a man who used to be like this.
An increasing number of brave men are wearing traditionally feminine clothing these days: in real life as well as all over the media. What styles are the coolest from a woman’s point of view?
When my husband confessed what he was up to when I was not home, I was shocked. This is how we figured it out as a couple – and how the crisis changed my perspective.