I now openly wear skirts in front of everyone, but there was a time when I kept it hidden. This is how I showed my parents my passion for skirt-wearing.
It wasn’t that long ago that I realized I had a certain set of skirts that I wear when I am planning on going out in public and not feeling as confident about my skirt-wearing as I normally do. I have dubbed these my “safety blanket skirts”.
This is the story of how an offhand comment thoroughly changed my perspective on going out in a skirt in public.
Not long ago, I went to my son’s daycare and came across a boy in a dress and had a great conversation with his mom.
I’ve been wearing skirts out in public much more frequently and recently, I started wearing them to my son’s daycare.
My goal is to take a walk every day in a skirt to build up my confidence. This is how I’m coming along with that goal.
While working outside beskirted, I encountered a woman who complimented my skirt and was generally excited about men wearing skirts.
A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I received a visit from one of her friends who brought her baby with her. I decided to wear skirts for her visit.
It’s time for another short, skirted story. This one is about a brief encounter I had with two elderly neighbors while outside grilling. It happened a couple of weeks ago, so it’s a fairly recent story.
This is the story of how I went from going into the office every day owning only one skirt and one pair of heels to working at home full-time and owning a closet full of gender-non-conforming clothes.