AI-generated image of a sick man on a couch in a maxi skirt

Down and Out

I have largely been absent from the internet for the past three weeks because I have been down and out with the flu.

February 8, 2025
AI-generated image of a man in a skirt at a German Christmas market

Christmas Markets in Skirts

Germany is well-known for its traditional Christmas markets. I visited a few of them in skirts this past December and this is my experience.

February 1, 2025

Since the election in the United States last November, I have received a surprising number of messages and emails asking me to post about my opinion of Trump and his politics. This is why I don’t.

January 25, 2025

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about my recent trip to Ikea in a skirt. Not much happened, but this is the story.

January 21, 2025

I hope all of you had a good holiday season. These are the skirts I got for Christmas in 2024.

January 11, 2025

I hope all of you have had a wonderful holiday season so far and I wish you all a happy New Year!

December 22, 2024

Many of you have a lot of experience wearing tights, so what tips and tricks do you have in order to make them as comfortable as possible?

November 17, 2024

This post discusses the results of the poll I posted asking about whether I should write more about gender-related topics.

November 9, 2024

It’s been a while since my last outfit post and this one features one of my all-time favorite outfits which I have lovingly dubbed “The Beskirted Lumberjack”.

November 6, 2024

This is the story about the black dress that hung in my closet as a kid. It belonged to my mom and was the garment that kicked off my interest in dresses and skirts.

November 3, 2024

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Poll: Do you prefer tights with or without feet?

This poll is the result of a discussion I had with my wife about her preference for tights with feet. I prefer them without feet.

Poll: What is your choice of underwear when wearing skirts?

Based on a suggestion I received in the comments of one of my other posts, I decided to create this poll to ask what sort of underwear you prefer to wear with your skirts.

Poll: Would you like more content on gender or should I just stick to clothing?

Since men wearing skirts, heels, tights and other gender-non-conforming clothing is closely related to the topic of gender, I would like to know if you would like more content on gender as well as the usual program of skirt-related posts.

Poll: Should I change the way I use AI-generated images?

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about one of my coworkers who enjoys dressing as a femboy. In the comments, I received quite a bit of feedback about the AI-generated image I used.

Poll: Would you be interested in a “Grow a pair and skirt up” t-shirt?

In a recent post of mine, a woman I talked to told me that she wishes more men would “grow a pair and skirt up”. Would you be interested in a t-shirt with that phrase on it?

Poll: Do you work in a computer science-related field?

A lot of people working in a tech-field question gender norms. Let’s find out how many readers of this blog work in that field.

Poll: Would you prefer more of a forum for comments on The Beskirted Man?

Today’s poll asks about a potential new feature for this website. It would interest me to know if you are satisfied with how commenting currently works on blog posts.

In the Media

Men Can Be Men and Wear Dresses, Too: Gender Equality in Fashion

This article discusses a number of different aspects of men wearing dresses from the history to whether they can.

Why are men in skirts still stigmatized: A journey to the origins of a misogynistic prejudice

This article from El País is spot-on with their analysis of misogynistic prejudice and how that affects men who wear skirts.

The Red Sneakers Effect

There was a study done by the Harvard Business School that shows that people who break fashion norms are often perceived as having a higher status because it exudes confidence.

The Dress for Men: It’s Back!

This is an interesting article about men wearing dresses. It includes a little bit of history of men and dresses as well as a little bit about why men should wear dresses and which ones are best suited for them.

Helpful Pantyhose Advice

A couple of months ago, I asked for advice about how to make tights comfortable. The feedback was amazing and one of the readers posted a link to a helpful article that he wrote about the topic on his own blog.

Study reveals that 2 in 5 men regularly wear women’s fashion

This article presents the results of a study that shows that almost half of all men regularly wear women’s fashion. It also discusses some of the reasons they do as well as which age groups do it the most.

Men In Skirts-How Should Men Dress?

This is a lovely article from India about men wearing skirts. The best part about it is the perspective from a non-Western country that incorporates traditional Indian “skirts for men” into the view of men wearing skirts.

Skirt and Camera
Know of something in the media?
If you have seen anything in the media regarding men in skirts, dresses, high heels, etc, please feel free to get in touch and let us know!