January 26, 2023

What is The Beskirted Man? This question seems like an appropriate place to jump-start this blog, so that is just what we’ll do.

The Website

First, we’ll begin with the website. The Beskirted Man is a blog intended to promote femininity in masculinity. More concretely, it is trying to encourage the idea that a man can be a manly man while also having a feminine side that he doesn’t have to be ashamed of or feels like he needs to hide. 

It will focus heavily on the use of the external image to project this feminine side and thus there will be a lot of discussion about men using clothing in every-day situations to do so. Crossdressing, drag queens, etc will probably be mentioned from time to time, but not regularly. 

The focus here will be concentrated on cis, heterosexual men since that is what I am.

The Man

Now we’ll talk a little bit about the man behind The Beskirted Man.

As mentioned above, I am a cis, heterosexual man who has an interest in femininity and a strong dislike for toxic masculinity. I am a man with a big beard and “manly” hobbies such as playing drums in a metal band, woodworking and gaming, but I just so happen to like doing them in a skirt… and sometimes heels. I am also married to a wonderful, supporting woman who encourages me in all of my endeavors.

Why did I start wearing skirts and heels? That question deserves its own post, but to answer it in a single word: curiosity. After watching my wife and other women wearing skirts and heels for years, I wanted to know what they felt like to wear myself.

I discovered that I really liked to wear them and so I started to regularly. At first, only at home, then as I got more used to the idea, I started venturing out in them on occasion. Sometimes I wore just heels with jeans, other times a skirt with typical men’s shoes, and yet other times with both a skirt and heels. I will write more about those experiences in future posts.


To wrap up, I will say that just as every man has a feminine side, every boy is discouraged from showing it. In fact, it is often quite literally beaten out of him on the school playground. Femininity is still considered to be a sign of weakness (think: “You throw like a girl!”) and that needs to change.

It takes real strength for a man to proudly show and live his feminine side. Any man that says otherwise is insecure in their own masculinity and feels threatened by the mere notion of men not being 100%, stereotypically masculine.

What kinds of posts would you be interested in seeing on this blog? Are there any specific interests? Let me know in the comments below!

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About the Author

Alex Seifert
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

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