Today’s poll is a little last-minute because I was walking around the old city center of Regensburg, Germany about an hour ago and saw an older gentleman out for a stroll in a skirt. He was wearing a shiny, ankle-length pleated skirt that was purple-ish in color with black tights and a long, black woolen coat with a flat cap. His hair was gray and he sported a neat, white beard.
I didn’t approach him, but now regret that I didn’t. That got me wondering what others would have done in my situation. Therefore, it’s time for a new poll that asks exactly that question. Let us know how you would have handled the situation!

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If I liked the skirt he was wearing I would ask him where he got it
It was a nice skirt, but it was really my style. It looked good on him though, so I would have complimented him about it!
I would probably not start a long interaction, but would make an effort to at least acklowledge his (and mine) existance, at least as way to say “I see you!”
I never had such an encounter, but would like to get at least a word of encouragement from a fellow free-dresser.
That’s exactly what I wish I would have done. I don’t think I would have wanted to have a long conversation, but it would have been nice to at least recognize him and what he’s doing.
It’s so odd, these polls always appear to me here as results only (not votable), until AFTER I post a comment! Am I the only one who get them that way?
Anyway, I have had fairly few such random meetings with other beskirted men. In all cases where each saw the other, we have exchanged a wave or nod of recognition, much like to drivers of unusual classic cars will do in passing. In a couple of instances where time and place allowed, we have exchanged spoken compliments and said how we appreciated seeing another well-dressed fellow.
That is very odd. Were you able to vote after you posted a comment? Would you mind if I sent you an email asking for more details so I can try to figure out what the problem might be?
I’ve also only had few meetings with other beskirted men which is why it’s still so exciting when I see another one! Sounds like exactly the right response though!
I’d probably try to talk to another beskirted guy, but I’m pretty sure I would sooner encounter yeti than another male in skirt / dress here where I live, so it’s really a theoretical case.
Yeah, it’s a pretty rare sight here too which is why I got so excited about it! Although, I’ve seen several men in skirts in Regensburg over the past couple of years, so I’m not entirely sure why exactly there, but I like it!