Since men wearing skirts, heels, tights and other gender-non-conforming clothing is closely related to the topic of gender, I would like to know if you would like more content on gender as well as the usual program of skirt-related posts.
If so, what kind of content would you like to see? I have ideas of my own but would also like to hear about any thoughts you might have. If not, is there any other sort of content you would like to see on this blog aside from the usual skirt-related posts?
Let me know in the comments below!

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While gender and its expression are interlinked with style and presentation, it’s the latter that is of more interest to me. And I say that as a parent to a trans adult.
Thanks for letting me know!
I would love to see other gender articles. I wear skirts, dresses, lingerie, heels as well as makeup and nail polish especially on my toes. Love to mix masculine and feminine.
I also love to mix masculine and feminine. I think it can look really great. Thanks for your respone!
On a blog like yours I’d like to see content relating gender (expectations) to clothing styles. On social media, I see expressions of male (or amab = assigned male at birth) people showing their skirts or dresses for very different reasons, e.g.:
– Trans women or non-binary people wearing feminine clothing in order to be identified as female – and sometimes wearing trousers (like other women also do) while hoping that they are still identified as female.
– Cross dressers wearing skirts, dresses, heels etc. in order to get a female appearance although they still identify themselves as men.
– Men wearing “masculine-looking” skirts (cf., i.e. wearing gender-non-conforming clothing, but with a style that still fits as much as possible to their male gender.
– Men wearing skirts, dresses, heels and other gender-non-conforming clothing not to appear feminine and not because these items are considered as feminine clothes in our cultures, but because they consider that clothes have no gender and that they choose for themselves whatever they like best, ignoring whether these items are produced and generally considered for men or for women. (I’d rate myself in this category.)
It would be interesting to observe and discuss how these different motivations for wearing skirts etc. affect the way and the styles with which this is done.
Thank you for your response! Having content as pertains to how gender relates to clothing styles is definitely a relevant topic on this blog. As you have pointed out, there are a lot of different reasons people choose to wear certain clothing regardless of their gender. I would classify myself as belonging to both the the second-to-last and last category you listed, but I know others who fall into the other categories.
To be honest, I don’t have any particular expectations or “demand”, because you find interesting articles and I try to read them, sometimes it’s about your own life and it’s also cool to read that.
Sounds great! Thanks for the feedback!