Profiles of Beskirted Men
January 3, 2024

Today, we welcome Eugene from Tennessee, USA to Profiles of Beskirted Men!

What is your name?


Where are you from?


Which types of gender non-conforming clothing do you enjoy wearing?

Skirts, dresses, leggings, tights/pantyhose, tank tops/cami, panties (all kinds) knee socks, jumpers, shorts…..

When did you start wearing gender non-conforming clothing?

I started wearing panties at an early age. I started wearing skirts and camisole’s when I was in my teens.

How did you start wearing gender non-conforming clothing and why?

I grew up with older female siblings and cousins and it looked good on them and I wanted to look good also.

What is your motivation now for putting on gender non-conforming clothing?

To feel better about myself. It’s about the only time I feel comfortable.

How often do you wear gender non-conforming clothing?

When I’m home mostly. I do wear leggings in the winter under my pants at work because it keeps me warm and also no one can see them. I also wear panties every day.

Do you go out in public dressed in gender non-conforming clothes? If not, why not? If so, how often and where do you go? Are there any places you wouldn’t go?

I’ve only worn “women’s” shorts out in public a few times because I wouldn’t be noticed as much. Where I live it wouldn’t be a good idea to wear anything else in public because I live in the south.

Do you find it hard to go out in public in gender non-conforming clothes?


Do your family or friends know about how you dress?

My wife knows and she supports me and knows that I want to be out in public and can’t. She also likes to buy me things to wear around the house. I also have a daughter that knows.

Are there people you don’t want to know about it?


Does your partner accept your clothing choices?


What is your favorite style?

Skirt/dress with hose and a tank top

Where do you shop for your clothes?

Mostly online or thrift stores

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I wish that I could be more able to go out in public and not be gawked at for wearing what makes me feel comfortable in.

Thank you for sharing, Eugene!

If you would like to have your profile featured in Profiles of Beskirted Men, take a look at the post I wrote about it for more details.

About the Author

Alex Seifert
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

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