Profiles of Beskirted Men
December 27, 2023

Today, we welcome Jeffrey from Pennsylvania, USA to Profiles of Beskirted Men!

What is your name?


Where are you from?

Pittsburgh PA

Which types of gender non-conforming clothing do you enjoy wearing?

Skirts, tights and leggings

When did you start wearing gender non-conforming clothing?

Skirts about 2 years ago, tights and leggings 40 years plus

How did you start wearing gender non-conforming clothing and why?

I started wearing unitard and tights during the 80’s aerobics fitness days. I didn’t like always wearing shorts and sweatshirts. I taught and competed in aerobics. The standard outfit for women was a thong unitard over tights. I like how they outfit looked for aerobics but there was nothing for guys to wear for workouts. So I decided to wear something unisex for aerobics classes. I started wearing one piece bodysuit with a thong bottom over top. I wore thong unitard over bike shorts with legwarmers. I was the guy at the gym known for wearing wild aerobics workout outfits. I got a lot of female attention for showing off my physic since I was the only dude that dared to cross the gender outfit line.

What is your motivation now for putting on gender non-conforming clothing?

I’m now 66 years old and I feel time is to short to be placed in a gender conforming box. I’m just a straight, married man with 4 grown up kids and 8 grandkids. I just love wearing skirts and leggings instead of pants. I started about 2 years ago and I wish I had started many years sooner. I wear skirts not to be a drag queen like on Ru Paul’s drag race. Thats ok for the men that want to cross dress but it’s not how I roll. I just wanted to have different fashion options besides plain mens clothing.

What do gender non-conforming clothes mean to you?

It allows me the freedom to expression of my true inner self that wants to show both genders.

How often do you wear gender non-conforming clothing?

Almost every day If I can get away with it

Do you go out in public dressed in gender non-conforming clothes? If not, why not? If so, how often and where do you go? Are there any places you wouldn’t go?


Shopping, running errands, church, dates with my wife, work, yoga and being put and about. The only place I won’t we at a skirt is in front of my mother, she is 92 and not a big fan. I also wont wear a skirt to my mens bible study, love these guys but they are not very progressive on gender attitudes. But a few of the guys have seen me skirted on public places with no comment. I have worn a skirt in front of my adult daughter, but not in front of my sons. But they are aware the I wear skirts and kilts.

Do you find it hard to go out in public in gender non-conforming clothes?

Not really but depends on the social situation.

What is your best and/or worst experience in gender non-conforming clothes?

The best is when no one really cares or notices and when I get out if they blue random positive comments about my outfit.

Do your family or friends know about how you dress?


Are there people you don’t want to know about it?

My 2 brothers and in-laws

Does your partner accept your clothing choices?


What is your favorite style?

Skirt with polo shirt or hoodie, t shirt. Casual

Where do you shop for your clothes?

Goodwill, salvation army and other thrift shops. Plus online sites

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I’m just a regular guy that loves wearing skirts or kilts instead of pants or shorts.

Thank you for sharing, Jeffrey!

If you would like to have your profile featured in Profiles of Beskirted Men, take a look at the post I wrote about it for more details.

About the Author

Alex Seifert
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

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