This is an incredibly fascinating topic that certainly deserves its own post on this blog (hint: I am going to write about it).
There was a study done by the Harvard Business School that shows that people who break fashion norms are often perceived as having a higher status because it exudes confidence. They tested it using bright red sneakers, hence the name, and since it was performed by the Harvard Business School, their primary focus was of course on business contexts. However, this psychological effect could absolutely benefit men wearing skirts and other gender-non-conforming clothing.
I have actually included multiple links here. The first is to a journalistic article written about it that might be a little quicker and easier to digest than the actual study. The others are to the actual study itself.
The article:

The study:
- Abstract and author information:
- The actual study as a PDF:
How loquacious of you, sir.
I think the phrase “everyone loves a maverick” only works when the person who is the “maverick” does well. All the movies about wayward cops with a heart of gold, who buck the system and still bring bad guys to justice, only truly create love able “mavericks” cause they “still bring bad guys to justice.” What do we think of Clint Eastwoods Dirty Harry character if he didn’t get the bad guys and just shot up a town creating havoc and fear?
All this to say, red sneakers on a business guy only work when the business guy does well. A schmuck is a Schmuck regardless of the color of their shoes.
For us, men who wear skirts as men, if we do well, it helps. If we’re wearing tin foil hats and preaching conspiracies theories, then we’re goofy and dressed funny.
Back to the article, I suspect there’s a bias in their article. I think people who buck the norm in clothing choices AND are good stand out more than the rote uniform people leading to recall bias. Cause it’s a subjective evaluation.
This is interesting, but unfortunately until the societal belief that “feminine” = inferior, weak, and undesirable when applied to males, that level of “red sneaker” respect will be very minimal or non-existent for us skirted guys.
It’s an interesting time right now. I think the “men are strong, women are weak” paradigm is shattering. Women are all over the workplace increasingly becoming leaders demonstrating the old school strength of running things. I think high heels are becoming a sign of strength in a woman. They even state this. But I think what will never be a sign of strength is the girlie girl stuff. The frilly, over the top little girl stuff. Think Hello Kitty. If there was a superhero that used hello kitty l stuff, the only way I think it would work is by the dichotomy of a kick butt superhero juxtaposed with a girlie girl pink hello kitty super suit. But that’s why it works, the strength of character associated with a weak looking uniform.
So I don’t see girlie girl ever being a strength. There, what needs to happen is to allow men interested in “girlie girl” things to not be judged negatively. So what if they like it. Everyone should be entitled to their opinion.
But I take a different view on other things. Like your favorite superhero Wonder Woman. In a world of male superheroes who wear skin tight outfits that cover them up and protect them from harm, she’s wearing what amounts to a swim suit with high heels protected only by her whimsical bracelets. She was an afterthought it seems but she didn’t just persist she thrived. Despite obvious wardrobe difficulties. How do you save the world and not lose your tiara? So to make it difficult on someone and yet they still thrive, well, Eve try one loves the underdog story who achieves greatness despite it all. Reminds me of Ginger Rogers. Everyone raves over Fred Astaires moves but she didn’t the same moves but backwards and in heels. Why do we handicap golfers? To level the playing field. That women are achieving what they are despite a patriarchal society bogged down with house and kids, well, that’s telling.
To me, especially today, it’s a house of cards to state men are still the stronger gender. So many men today can’t do what we all associate with such manly man things. Most are obese and the most exercise they’ve done is walking from house to car to office to car to house. Many women are too, this isn’t a diatribe against men. No, it’s a thought it’s time we re-classify what strength is today. I for one think strength of character is key. To have a self confidence to be your true self. Now’s that’s a strength worth rallying around.