Today’s poll asks if you would be interested in a Discord channel for beskirted men. I have considered this idea before, but haven’t created one yet because of how many other online communities for men in skirts already exist. I don’t know if there are any Discord channels, however.
Let me know what you think and what you would like to see from one if I were to create one in the comments below.
Edit: If you don’t know what Discord is, it is essentially a chat service. If there is interest, I could set up a server with multiple chatrooms where members could have a safe space to chat about gender nonconformity, skirts, their experiences, and other related topics.

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Ok I’m old and behind the times, I’m not sure what a “discord” is
Discord is a free chat service where you can create private rooms for people to join.
What exactly is meant by a discord channel?
Discord is a free chat service where you can create private rooms for people to join. I’ve updated the post to include that information.
I did vote yes, I think it would be a good additional forum, but it will probably need good rules and some moderating because I do see a risk of it being overrun like the reddit forum with attention-seekers cross-posting sketchy images to multiple subreddits.
I agree. I would want to avoid that.
Hmm, I personally think that website is sufficient, but if you feel like you have time to be able to also moderate content (or know someone who can do it) then there is no reason to not give it a go.
Thanks for your thoughts on it! I’m not sure whether I have time to moderate or not, so I’m still thinking about it.