Polling Station
May 21, 2024

Today’s poll asks about a potential new feature for this website. It would interest me to know if you are satisfied with how commenting currently works on blog posts or if you would rather have more of a forum-style commenting system.

By that, I mean having a forum here similar in style to Skirt Cafe but with the general look and feel of The Beskirted Man. A new thread would be created for each new post where commenting would take place instead of directly on the post itself.

Would you prefer more of a forum for comments on The Beskirted Man?

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About the Author

Alex Seifert
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

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