January 14, 2024

I hope all of you had a great holiday season! I am finally back from my travels abroad and have some great new ideas for articles that I want to write.

As the title of this one implies, I celebrated Christmas, but unfortunately in jeans. The reason for this is simply because there were family members present from the deep south of the United States and wearing a skirt would have caused a scene that would have destroyed the mood and atmosphere.

While I don’t condone their closed-mindedness, it wasn’t worth the fuss it would have caused which just goes to show that activism of any kind has its limits in everyday situations. Normally, I wouldn’t have cared, but it would have destroyed Christmas for the whole family in this particular situation.

Do I regret not having been able to? Of course! Would I have worn a skirt in a different situation? Definitely. Am I happy about the bigotry? Of course not. But I still had a great time anyway and was happy to see everyone again.

New Skirt

A few weeks ago, I released a poll asking if you got any skirts or other gender-non-conforming clothes for Christmas. I answered “no”, but I did take advantage of being in the United States to buy myself a wonderful new skirt from Skirtcraft after Christmas. I bought the Tellurian model in black:

The skirt is high quality and very comfortable. My only regret is that I bought it a size too small, but didn’t have time to send it back and exchange it before leaving the country again. It still fits since it uses an adjustable strap to close, but the strap is pretty well at the end of its length.

Otherwise, you can expect some great new content in the coming weeks. I’m looking forward to continuing my skirt-wearing in the new year and I hope we can get even more men on board as the year progresses!

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About the Author

Alex Seifert
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

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