
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

This article from Vogue Germany makes me hopeful that men wearing skirts will soon become a fashion trend that hits the streets.

In this article, I give a few tips and examples of how to dress in a more masculine way while wearing a typically feminine garment: the skirt.

Men’s Heels Revolution explores the question of whether we are entering another Peacock Revolution similar to the 1960s with men’s fashion becoming increasingly “feminine” by including more heeled shoes.

This article is about how genderless fashion has become much more mainstream and about how the movement is connected to equality.

This is a great video with two men experimenting styling skirts. They offer a few good tips and ideas that any man could use to make wearing a skirt look good.

There are a surprising number of online communities in a wide berth of different languages that specialize in men wearing skirts and dresses or high heels.

This is an interesting article from Luxuo about how heels for men are back in trend. It also gives a little bit of history about men wearing heels.

Another great article from GQ about the rise of men’s skirts and how they aren’t actually as controversial as you might expect.

FashionUnited reports here on the trend of men wearing skirts in modern fashion and predicts that “the idea of the man skirt or kilt growing exponentially each season.”

Since ChatGPT is trendy right now, I decided to ask it about going out in public as a man wearing a skirt after publishing an article about it a couple of weeks ago. I have included a couple of responses from it below which include a few good points!