
When my husband confessed what he was up to when I was not home, I was shocked. This is how we figured it out as a couple – and how the crisis changed my perspective.

This article is about how genderless fashion has become much more mainstream and about how the movement is connected to equality.

While I don’t entirely think that men wearing skirts is going to do away with toxic masculinity, the article makes an interesting point that it’s a sign that many men are sick of gender norms and are ready to don a skirt to break them.

While the topic of this article isn’t exactly about men in skirts, it does discuss the idea of expressing gender equality through fashion. It is an interesting commentary on gender-fluid fashion and what its rise means for society.

There are tons of reasons for wearing feminine clothing as a man. The clothes we wear are a deeply personal thing and should express who we are. These are my reasons and my story.

This is an article about a man who makes his own skirts and dresses. He goes into detail about why he started wearing them and what motivates him.

What is The Beskirted Man? This question seems like an appropriate place to jump-start this blog, so that is just what we’ll do.