This article is written by a reporter who wrote about his experiences, both good and bad, while spending a day out in public wearing a skirt in the UK.

Harry Styles can get away with wearing a skirt. But can I?
Yes, a man can rock a skirt on the catwalk or the red carpet – but what if your natural habitat is the greasy spoon or street market? Time to slip into that slitted maxi …
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Styles dress is about shock and ah. Straight men just want comfort without having to standout. It’s not about making a statement.
That’s true, although the shock and ahh effect can also be fun. But generally the shock and ahh comes automatically by being a man in a skirt…
Yes! Pockets ARE essential (IMHO).
I wonder if the writer, bless his courage, showed his discomfort (and where’s the pix of that second outfit?). While confidence is a big part of any presentation; when appearing in anything unusual, be it a tux at a BBQ, shorts at a downtown cocktail bar, or a skirt at the greasy spoon, one invites comment and judgements, both positive and negative. In most environments, visible comfort and confidence with oneself assures more of the positive and fewer negative (and vice versa).
Thanks for sharing this article.
I agree! The skirts with pockets are the ones I wear the most because they are very practical.
It is certainly true that confidence is key when wearing anything unusual. I can imagine that he was nervous and probably showed it. I certainly did the first couple of times I went out in a skirt!
Yes, I can and I do, all the time. I wear whatever I like, at home and at work, in our village and abroad. To “get away” sounds as if it is something illegal, indecent, immoral, or the like, to wear a skirt or dress. It is not. Fashion is fun, not gender. Time that people get that into their heads. It is just a preference, a statement, your personal style.
I absolutely agree with you that to say “get away with it” makes it sound like it’s something you shouldn’t be doing, when it really isn’t something that should be treated that way. Everyone should be able to wear whatever they want to!
Interesting story, sad that the author seems to give up after single day because of this one awful comment. Battle going in one’s head is worth it. Based on his article, I think that having female friend or relative is extremely helpful as in the beginning one rather wants to make outfit sensible and usual, so their help might be critical to make D-day successful and simply continue doing same thing in next days.
I agree that it’s sad the author gave up after a single day! Having a women experienced in styling skirts is absolutely invaluable when you are just getting started. She can also give you tips on annoying things such as keeping tights up 😉