
With Christmas only a day ago in the United States and two days ago in Germany, it seems like the right time to ask about whether you got any skirts or other gender non-conforming clothes for Christmas.

December 26, 2023

Christmas is the time of year when a lot of people see extended family and may not be comfortable wearing skirts around certain family members. As such, today’s poll asks whether you are planning on wearing a skirt or other gender non-conforming clothes for Christmas.

December 12, 2023

Since wintertime is upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere, this week’s poll asks how you wear your skirts during winter.

November 28, 2023

If you look at the pictures men post of themselves on social media wearing skirts, you’ll notice that some tuck their shirts in while wearing skirts and others don’t. So which group do you belong to?

November 14, 2023

Today’s question is based on the fact that it is being published on Halloween.

October 31, 2023

Today’s poll asks about whether you wear nightgowns. They are a great way to wear a dress-like garment to bed and they even come in cuts designed for masculine bodies. In a way, they are the ultimate “stealth dress”.

October 17, 2023

Today’s poll asks about how well dresses fit your body type. I have tried many different dresses, but it’s very rare I find one that fits well.

October 3, 2023

A lot of men wear gender non-conforming clothing in secret. It would be interesting to know how many of you keep it a secret from your families and why.

September 19, 2023

Today’s light-hearted poll asks whether you “smooth out your skirt” before sitting down even if you’re not wearing a skirt. Amusingly, that is a habit that I have found myself doing even when I’m wearing jeans.

September 5, 2023

Today’s poll asks the question of whether men who wear traditionally women’s clothing could be considered the opposite of a “tomboy”.

August 22, 2023